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 Lignes de conduites IG

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Nombre de messages : 3619
Age : 43
Localisation : Ici et là
Emploi : Fermier
Loisirs : Jeux Vidéo, Philo et l'écriture
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2006

Lignes de conduites IG Empty
MessageSujet: Lignes de conduites IG   Lignes de conduites IG I_icon_minitimeDim 01 Juin 2008, 23:24

Rules of conduct within Age of Conan

The following are the basic rules of conduct that govern
player interaction and activity within Age of Conan. Failure to act
responsibly and comply with these rules may result in the termination
of your account without any refund of any kind. These rules may be
revised without notice. This version was last revised on May 29th,

You may not harass or threaten
other players in any form while online in Age of Conan.

may not use information you get in-game to harass people out of the

The use of excessive and /or extremely sexually
explicit, abusive, defamatory or obscene language is not allowed.
Racially or ethnically offensive language is strictly prohibited.
The game is M rated, not Adult Only rated. It is up to the GMs to
determine if something is over the line in order to protect the
community at large.

The first step in dealing with the
above should be to use /ignore

You may not impersonate any Funcom
employee, including, but not limited to, any Customer Support people,
nor may you impersonate any member of the FoA (Followers of Asura)

You may not violate any local, state, national
or international law or regulation for the location you are playing

You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any
pirated or illegal software while in Age of Conan or the Age of Conan
website including the Age of Conan official Forums.

You will
always follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in Age
of Conan. Authorized personnel are hereby defined as GMs and FoA

You may not modify, or try to modify, any part of
the Age of Conan Client, Age of Conan Server or any part of the Age
of Conan web pages located at [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
or [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].

You may not organize nor be a
member of any clans or groups within Age of Conan that are based on,
or espouse, any real world racist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, or
other hate-mongering philosophy.

You will not attempt to
interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from
the servers running Age of Conan, however allowed to use status pages
provided by Funcom.

You may not give false information or
intentionally hide any information when registering your Age of Conan
account on [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].

You will not exploit any bug in Age of Conan and you will not
communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that
grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game for a
character of their profession and level), either directly or through
public posting, to any other user of Age of Conan.

You will
promptly report any exploits to [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].

will not attempt to play or run Age of Conan on any server that is
not controlled or authorized by Funcom.

You will not upload
or transmit on Age of Conan, or on the Age of Conan websites any
copyrighted content that you do not own all rights to, unless you
have the expressed written permission of the author or copyright

You will not create, use or provide any server
emulator or other site where Age of Conan may be played, and you will
not post or distribute any utilities, emulators or other software
tools related to Age of Conan without the expressed written
permission of Funcom.


The following
things would be considered as "abuse" in game:

Mongering - participation in or propagation of Hate literature,
behavior, or propaganda related to real -world characteristics.

Sexual Abuse or Harassment - untoward and unwelcome advances
of a graphic and sexual nature. This includes graphical descriptions
of sexual acts, overt sexual overtures, and stalking of a sexual

Attempting to Defraud a Support Representative -
Petitioning with untrue information with the intention of receiving
benefits as a result. This includes reporting bug deaths, experience
or item loss, or accusing other players of wrongdoing without basis
for it.

Impersonating a Customer Service Representative -
falsely representing yourself to another player as a FoA or a Funcom

CS Personnel Abuse -- sending excessive /tells to a
CS Representative, excessively using say or other channels to
communicate to a CS Representative, making physical threats, or using
abusive language against a CS Representative.

Using Threats of
Retribution by GM Friends - attempting to convince another player
that they have no recourse in a disagreement because favoritism is
shown to one of the parties by Funcom or the FoA staff.

We encourage role-playing in the game and on the role-playing
conference, but remember that role-playing is no excuse for

If you want to play an obnoxious role, you have a
great responsibility to avoid hurting other people’s feelings.
These social guidelines take precedence over role-playing in a


You will not exploit any
bug in Age of Conan and you will not communicate the existence of any
such exploitable bug (the definition of bugs like this is: a bug that
grants the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game), either
directly or through public posting, to any other user of Age of
Conan. You will promptly report any such exploit via
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
address and never use it again.

An exploit in the game is a
bug or design error that makes it possible for characters to fight
monsters, solve quests, or earn money that normally should be out of
that character’s reach. Funcom is actively working to remove
exploits from the game.

An exploit is regarded as a bug that
we have to fix. We expect players to inform us about exploits, not
tell other players about their discovery and to not use the exploit
after they have found it. Exploits could lead to suspension of your
account or banning. This has happened to some accounts already.

investigating of exploits in Age of Conan is based on two sources of
information: Reports from players and reading through logs. All
reports received through mail and petition are used to get exploits
out of the game.

In addition, we are able to find detailed
information about characters. This is used to find characters that
have disproportionate amounts of credits or are augmenting in level
faster than we would expect.

It is important not to spread
information about exploits after they have been discovered, as the
team needs time to solve the problem. It is dangerous to tell you
that we are working on a fix, because this information could lead to
more people learning about the exploit and using it. While the team
is working on it, please do not tell anybody about the

Naming Policy

The goal of the naming
policy is to promote the feeling of being immersed into the world of
Age of Conan. These policies apply to all player names, regardless
how long it has been since they were created. Use of the following
will be restricted:

1. Names that are profane, racist, drug
references, trademarks or obscene are not allowed; this also applies
to any [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien],
phonetic misspelling, obvious [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien],
combination, or reverse spelling.

2. Names that are created to
defame or impersonate another character are not allowed. This
includes names of GMs/FoAs/Funcom employees.

3. Names that are created using terms
and/or items that do not exist in the world of Conan. Such as “robot”
or “ninja”, or “Robotninja.”

4. Names of NPCs already existing in
the game or any of the related works associated with Robert Howard
and the Age of Conan game world. This includes any of the deities
associated with the Conan pantheon.

If you wish to appeal a
name change please send a mail to [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].
Include your previous name, new name, server name, and account name.

En attendant d'avoir une traduction française.
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