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 "Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06

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Explorateur des 7 Mers
Explorateur des 7 Mers

Nombre de messages : 402
Age : 32
Localisation : Nancy (L'grand Est pas loins d'chez Eldo!)
Loisirs : Gratte/Natation
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2007

"Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06 Empty
MessageSujet: "Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06   "Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06 I_icon_minitimeMar 18 Nov 2008, 12:20

Citation :
When we launched our Public Test Server last week our goal was to create a place where we could test and iterate on ideas/initiatives/fixes with our subscribers in a non-LIVE environment. Our plan was that no patch would make it through the PTS until we were sure that it was tested thoroughly and properly. Patch 1.0.5 (Combat and Careers) is a perfect example of how this system is supposed to work. Thanks to the data and feedback we’ve gathered over the last week we are going to make some major changes to 1.0.5. First, the Combat and Careers portion of the patch is being moved to 1.0.6. We have made enough changes that we have decided to let them stay on PTS a while longer for additional testing. As I’ve said before, we will not rush these changes on to the LIVE servers until we are sure that they have been thoroughly tested and that the changes are working the way that the designers planned. It was evident throughout the testing process that some of the changes needed to be reconsidered and some changed outright. Thus and secondly, we are making the following changes to certain careers:

1) For our Ironbreakers, this means more time to assess the impact at our proposed changes to the Grudge mechanic to IBs in RvR. When patch 1.0.6 goes up on Deathsword, we will have an updated version of the grudge mechanic. As of now, this will result in IBs having decay beginning at 15 seconds as well a much slower loss of grudge per second than originally planned. Over the course of 1.0.6 on the PTS, we will continue to look at this mechanic and see if we have to add some additional time to the beginning of grudge decay.

2) For our healers, we are going to keep the decrease in cast time for the “big heals” but we are reverting the changes to the HOTs back to their current LIVE status. Given the changes and general increases to most careers’ DOTs, keeping healers’ HOTs where they are currently is the more prudent path. As we continue testing with 1.0.6, this may change but for now we want to spend some more time running the numbers before we make any additional changes to our healers.

3) Sorcs/BWs will not have any buffs to their DOTs until we can gather more data on the long-term impact of these DOTs.

4) We are looking at several interface changes geared to make target selection, spell-casting, etc. easier and more reliable especially in RvR.

Those are some of the biggest changes to the “Combat and Careers” portion of 1.0.5. Additionally, 1.0.5 will now focus on the “Heavy Metal” event that paves the way for the introduction of the Blackguard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun as well as a few other changes including fixes/improvements to our Realm War system. We expect to deploy 1.0.5 tomorrow to our LIVE servers. Once that is done, version 1.0.6 will be deployed to our PTS with all the current C&C changes. Additionally, 1.0.6 will also provide an opportunity for testers to get a sneak peek at those two new careers. So, please, keep signing on to our PTS and help us gather the data we need to ensure that the changes we are making are what we intend them to be, a series of necessary and balanced steps to improve balance among the careers. As always, I thank you for your patronage and support of WAR.


En gros :
1- Patch seulement pour l'événement heavy metal. Un patch 1.0.6 avec tous les changements sera implanté sur le serveur test.
2- Revu du système de grudge des brisefers.
3- Les soins directs auront toujours leur casting time de diminué ET ILS NE TOUCHERONT PAS AU HOT (Gratz !) contrairement à ce qui était annoncé.
4- Les Sorciers flamboyants et les sorcières ne verront pas leurs DOT boostés. Ils attendent de récolter plus de données pour faire un changement à ce niveau-là (donc pour l'instant, aucun changement).
5- Revu de l'interface.
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Explorateur des Déserts
Explorateur des Déserts

Nombre de messages : 186
Age : 41
Localisation : Chessy 77
Emploi : Tueurs d'elfes noirs
Loisirs : le Grandmarnier et le rugby
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2008

"Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06   "Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06 I_icon_minitimeMar 18 Nov 2008, 21:06

Merci Darthounet pour ces infos qui complètent les infos du site officiel.
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"Heavy Metal", patch 1.05 repoussé en 1.06

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